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Custom extensions can be either private or public extensions. The requirements for these two types differ although the base requirements are the same.

Private custom extensions

Custom extensions can be created and used by any client without a review process. Extensions added as private extensions have to be added on each company individually. All custom extensions created by a company start off as a “private extension”.

Private custom extensions must meet the following requirements:

  • Expose public /activate/ and /deactivate/ endpoints that support the POST HTTP method.
  • Not break or contravene any of the rules laid out in the Rehive Terms of Service and software licenses.
  • Provide a list of permissions the extension requires.

Public custom extensions

Getting an extension added to the public extensions list (where they will be available to all companies and other Rehive clients) requires that the extension goes through a thourough review process conducted by Rehive. This review process will ensure that the extension matches Rehive extension requirements as well as code and quality of service requirements. Please contact Rehive if you are interested in building an extension that will be available to all Rehive clients.

Public custom extensions must meet the following requirements:

  • Have met the requirements for private custom extension.
  • Have been reviewed and approved by the Rehive extensions team.
  • Have multi-company support.
  • Have terms of service, privacy policy and documentation

Required endpoints

The following endpoints are required in every Rehive compliant extension.


This endpoint will be used by the platform to send an activate message to your extension. The endpoint must accept the POST HTTP method and return either a 200 or 201 HTTP status code. Any other status codes will cause activation to fail.

The platform will send the following data, formatted as JSON, in the HTTP body:

	"token": "<service user token>"

When the activate endpoint is called by the platform the extension should perform any activation steps it needs in order to operate properly. The token can be used to perform these steps if it needs to gather any information from the platform.

At the minimum, /activate/ should validate that the token is a real by sending the token in a GET request to https://api.rehive.com/3/auth/. If this returns an authentication error the extension should ignore the activation as it is not a valid user. Otherwise the extension should store an entry in its data store with the company, the token and a flag indicating the service has been activated.

Possible extra /activate/ steps might be to add new transaction subtypes or create new webhooks on the platform. These webhooks can then be used to automatically send events from the plaform to the extension.

Should an /activate/ throw a non 200 response, the Rehive platform will treat the activation as failed and disable the service user and token it created for that activation.


This endpoint will be used by the platform to send a deactivate message to your extension. The endpoint must accept the POST HTTP method and return either a 200 or 201 HTTP status code. Any other status codes will cause deactivation to fail.

The platform will send the following data, formatted as JSON, in the HTTP body:

	"token": "<service user token>",
	"purge": false

When the deactivate endpoint is called by the platform the extension should perform any deactivation steps it needs in order to disable the extension.

Normally this deactivation is a “soft disable” so that the extension can be reactivated at a later stage without any issues. The optional purge field is used to indicate the level of deletion expected. If purge is true the extension should completely remove data related to the company instead of simply disabling it. A purge flag will only be set to true when a company is getting removed and purged from Rehive entirely.

Optional endpoints

In addition to the required endpoints there are some standardized optional endpoints that Rehive recommends using if you wish to support additional functionality.


This endpoint will be used by the platform to send webhook events to the extension. There is no requirement that this be a single endpoint, however we recommend that extensions have a single port of entry for platform endpoints in order to make debugging and correct webhook handling easier.

Please review the platform documentation on webhooks before adding any to your extensions.


This endpoint will be used by the platform to send a “rotation” messages to the extension (indicating that the service token is getting rotated). The endpoint must accept the POST HTTP method and return either a 200 or 201 HTTP status code. Any other status codes will cause rotation to fail.

Rotation messages are used to refresh the token belonging to an activated extension. Extensions configured to rotate tokens will have their tokens refreshed every eight days.

The platform will send the following data, formatted as JSON, in the HTTP body:

	"token": "<service user token>"

The extension should check this token is a legitmate token on the platform via https://api.rehive.com/3/auth/ and then update its token record (with the new token) for the company the token is related to.