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Metrics are data collection objects that can be configured by users and companies to generate daily metrics on specific metrics types with customizable filters.

The following metric types are supported:

Name Sections Description
transaction_count admin, user Count of transactions.
transaction_complete_count admin, user Count of completed transactions.
transaction_failed_count admin, user Count of failed transactions.
transaction_pending_count admin, user Count of pending transactions.
transaction_complete_sum admin, user Sum of the total_amount of complete transactions.
transaction_failed_sum admin, user Sum of the total_amount of failed transactions.
transaction_pending_sum admin, user Sum of the total_amount of pending transactions.
transaction_balance_sum admin, user Sum of the total_amount of all balance transactions transactions.
transaction_available_balance_sum admin, user Sum of the total_amount of all available balance affecting transactions.
user_count admin Count of users.
user_active_count admin Count of active users.
user_transacted_in_30days_count admin Count of users who transacted in the last 30 days.

Metrics are processed asynchronously and may take longer to generate on companies with larger data sets.


Metric data points are calculated on a daily basis at midnight (with a rolling data point for the current day). For this reason, when creating a metric a timezone must be explicitly defined. The timezone is used to ensure data points are generated at the correct midnight time.

When fetching data points, an interval filter can be used to alter the aggregation of the data points. The intervals that can be used are: day, week, month, and year.

As mentioned previously, a rolling data point is included in each metric’s data points. This point is dynamically calculated and contains the current day’s data (from the last midnight data point to now).


There are some limits placed on metric creation:

Description Limit
Per-user user section metrics 50 metrics
Per-company admin section metrics 12 metrics

Metrics can be deleted and/or recreated later if you exceed the limits.