× Docs Platform Dashboard Extensions Applications Building Merchants Sign in


Config key: auth

This section configures the auth screen flows

Types: (s) - string, (b) - boolean, (i) - integer

  • identifier: (s: ‘email'/‘mobile’) tells the app which field the users are required to log in with. Note: the two options below are only applicable for whichever value this identifier is set to
  • email: (s: ‘required’/‘optional’/'') prompts the user to verify their email:
    • required: app is blocked by this screen until user has verified email
    • optional: it can be skipped, but the user will be prompted again on next login
    • '' [default]: screen is skipped
  • mobile: (s: ‘required’/‘optional’/'') prompts the user to verify their mobile:
    • same behaviour as email above with ‘required’/‘optional’/'’.
  • first_name: (b) requires user to enter their first name
  • last_name: (b) requires user to enter their last name
  • username: (b) requires user to enter a username
  • nationality: (b) requires user to select a nationality/country
  • defaultNationality: (s) country code for the default nationality set for new registrations. Note: if
  • confirm_password: (b) requires user to confirm their password
  • localAuth: (s: ‘required’/‘optional’/'') prompts the user to activate pin or touchID - see “pin” section.
    • same behaviour as email above with ‘required’/‘optional’/''. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35782774/51035802-e366b880-15b3-11e9-9e07-c871d1ebf028.png
  • mfa: (s: ‘required’/‘optional’/'') prompts the user to activate two-factor authentication on their account. This will require them to use a token/sms OTP on their next login. Similar behaviour to email above with ‘required’/‘optional’/''
  • tier: (i: 0) required user tier level to use the app - they are presented with a blocker screen and only have access to profile/settings while under this tier level
  • group: (b: true) prompt user to choose their group as part of the registration flow
  • sessions: (b: true) applicable for client apps, allows signing in to multiple sessions at one time
  • disableRegister: (b: false) disable the register option in the app
  • business: (b: true) shows config to set up initial business in auth flow if business account is being registered
  • language: (s: ‘') default language used in the app’s auth flows as well as for new user registrations
"auth": {
  "identifier": "email",
  "email": "",
  "mobile": "",
  "first_name": false,
  "last_name": false,
  "username": false,
  "country": false,
  "group": true,
  "nationality": false,
  "defaultNationality": "",
  "confirm_password": false,
  "landing": "login",
  "localAuth": "",
  "mfa": "",
  "language": "",
  "disableRegister": false,
  "tier": 0,
  "business": true,
  "sessions": true