The theming in the app is based on using two main colors (it used to be four, as shown below with the strikethrough - these may be added again at a later stage), where each of these colors is applied to different parts of the app (headers / buttons / icons) and each has a “Contrast” color for any text / item that needs to be legible against the color.
Types: (s) - string, (b) - boolean, (i) - integer
- primary: dark brand color, used for most of the app (headers, drawers, main buttons)
- secondary: light brand color, used anywhere else color is needed and usually provides contrast to the primary color
- other colors: this config also provides setting colors for text, error, warning, success, positive and negative styling when the default colors clash with the brand colors
"primary": "#5969F6",
"secondary": "#A4A5F5",
"primaryContrast": "#f6f6f6",
"secondaryContrast": "#303030",
"warning": "#FC8755",
"error": "#f44336",
"success": "#4CAF50",
"positive": "#4CAF50",
"negative": "#f44336",
"grey1": "#FAFAFA",
"grey2": "#E0E0E0",
"grey3": "#B8B7C6",
"font": "#707070"