× Docs Platform Dashboard Extensions Applications Building Merchants Sign in

General settings

key: settings

Types: (s) - string, (b) - boolean, (i) - integer

  • hideCryptoAccounts: (b: false) hides crypto accounts section in external accounts
  • hideBankAccounts: (b: false) hides bank accounts section in external accounts
  • hidePrimaryCurrency: (b: false) hides primary currency section in preferences
  • hideNotifications: (b: false) hides notifications section in preferences
  • hideSmsMfa: (b: false) hides option to use SMS as a form of two factor authentication
  • bank:
    • hide: (b: false) controls whether to hide certain fields on the bank account page
  • legal:
    • hide: (b: false) controls whether to hide certain fields on the legal page
"settings" : {
  "hideCryptoAccounts": false,
  "hideBankAccounts": false,
  "hidePrimaryCurrency": false,
  "hideNotifications": false,
  "hideSmsMfa": false,
  "bank": {
    "hideFields": []
  "legal": { "hideFields": [] }