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The Platform has a collection of internal events that can be configured to trigger webhooks. Webhooks can be added using the dashboard or directly via the API.

Each webhook contains the following properties:

  • event : The event that should trigger the webhook.
  • url : The endpoint that webhook events should be sent to. Events are sent in an HTTP request containing the event data formatted as JSON.
  • secret : The secret is sent in the Authorization header of each event’s webhook HTTP request.
  • expression : An optional condition that is used to evaluate whether the event should trigger.


When building a service that receives webhook events, please adhere to the following requirements:

  • Always create webhooks with a secure secret key that only you and Rehive know. We recommend a randomly generated string with a minimum of 32 characters.
  • Always check the secret is correct whenever you receive a webhook event. This ensures the webhook event originated from the platform and thus can be trusted.
  • Always secure your webhook endpoints using SSL. This ensures that only Rehive and your server can see the webhook data.
  • Return a 200, 201, or 202 HTTP response whenever your endpoint successfully receives a webhook. If a different status is returned, the Platform will retry the webhook.
  • Return a response within 5 seconds. The platform will terminate any connection that takes longer than 5 seconds. Terminated requests will be retried like a failed request.
  • Treat all webhook events as idempotent. This will protect against unexpected retries due to network or connection errors.


We recommend the following as well:

  • Check the IP of each webhook event your service receives. Platform webhooks will always originate fromt the same IP:
  • Perform event processing, particularly long running processing, asynchronously (outside of the webhook event’s request -> response process). This will allow your service to respond to a webhook event quickly but still perform any other processing without worrying about the 5 second response timeout.


Platform webhooks will automatically retry if a webhook fails. Failure can be caused by:

  • Connection errors when calling the webhook url.
  • Timeouts when calling the webhook url (there is a strict 5 second timeout).
  • Unexpected HTTP response statuses. Only 200, 201, or 202 HTTP responses are treated as successful.

The platform will retry a webhook up to 7 times. Each retry will take longer to trigger than the previous attempt (up to a max of 3600 seconds).

Event data

Every webhook event includes JSON body that can be parsed to get the webhook data:

    "id": 1,
    "event": "event.name",
    "company": "company_id",
    "data": {


The attributes in the above object are described below:

Attribute Description
id The unique id of the request. This id is shared between retries of the same event.
event The event that triggered the webhook.
company The company identifier.
data The event data.

The webhook event will also include the following HTTP headers:

Header Value
Authorization Secret {secret}
User-Agent rehive-platform/{version}
Content-Type application/json

Supported events

The platform supports the following webhook events:

Event Description
currency.create currency created event
currency.update currency updated event
user.create user created event
user.update user updated event
user.password.reset user password reset request event
user.email.verify user email verification event (Email key)
user.mobile.verify user mobile verification event (OTP key)
mfa.sms.verify multi-factor SMS otp event
email.create email created event
email.update email updated event
mobile.create mobile created event
mobile.update mobule updated event
address.create address created event
address.update address updated event
document.create document created event
document.update document updated event
bank_account.create bank account created event
bank_account.update bank account updated event
crypto_account.create crypto account created event
crypto_account.update crypto account updated event
account.create account created event
account.update account updated event
transaction.create transaction created event
transaction.update transaction updated event
transaction.initiate transaction initiated (pending) event
transaction.execute transaction executed (complete/failed) event
transaction.transition.create transition created event
transaction.transition.update transition updated event